This is a great story about healing from moral injury. Tragically, it highlights something that has completely changed since I…
As my research did not dive too deeply into the theological waters, I don’t know if Dr. King ever actually…
This study highlights one of the findings from my dissertation: that moral injury is different than post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).…
Though I am a bit skeptical of someone calling themselves a “moral injury recovery coach,” perhaps it is a move…
I have not seen this movie, so I will not comment on it directly. However, the director did an interview…
The Alchemy of Combat: Transforming Trauma in Combat VeteransSuluk Press: Omega Publications, Inc. (2014) The external reader from my PhD…
Recently, the NY York times, in a validation of the work of Maguen, Litz et Al starting in 2009 validated…
I’m beginning to note that more and more articles are addressing moral injury outside of combat veterans. Recently, the medical…
This article is interesting as the mention of moral injury in the article implies that at least in Canada, moral…
A new audio book version of his book precipitated this story in his local paper. Speaking of moral injury, he…